Dust and Ions, an enthralling new show created by the brilliant mind of Alex Wakim and brought to life by 2500 Productions at Alvin Ailey Dance Studios. This riveting piece explores the intricate dynamics between humanity and the forces that shape our existence.
Dust and Ions delves into the tangled web of corruption and seeks to find beauty and purity past the distinctly dark narrative.
Yara Zgheib’s remarkably exquisite poetry transports listeners to ethereal realms, where emotions are pure and thoughts soar freely. With each carefully crafted verse, Yara Zgheib weaves a tapestry of emotions, delving deep into the human experience. Her words have the power to evoke profound introspection, inviting audiences to reflect on the beauty and complexity of life. Yara's unique style and evocative imagery create an ambiance of enchantment, leaving listeners spellbound by the sheer artistry of her work. In Dust and Ions, Yara Zgheib effortlessly captures the essence of human emotion, reminding us all of the inherent magic that resides within poetry.
"Dust and lons began as a covid project when Iwas ni Kansas during the pandemic. The beauty of the comet, NEOWISE, startled me, and reminded me how small our world can feel. The original
album, recorded in August of 2020, took flight into a live concert experiences that delivers the fullness of the musical intent."
- Alex Wakim (composer)
Visit dustandions.com for more information.